SIMBA Online
Discover our online power electronics simulator, featuring a vast library of control and power models, a lightning-fast simulation engine, and an intuitive circuit editor and waveform viewer.
Comprehensive Library for Power & Control Models
Elevate your power electronics design process with SIMBA Online's extensive library of power and control models. Designed to meet the needs of professionals and enthusiasts alike, our platform offers a diverse collection of models that enable precise and efficient simulation for a wide range of applications.
Intuitive Circuit Editor
Embrace the power of simplicity with SIMBA Online's intuitive circuit editor. Effortlessly build and edit converter models with our user-friendly interface right from your browser with our user-friendly interface.
Advanced Scope Viewer
Easily analyze waveforms using our built-in cursors, and automatically calculate vital metrics such as RMS, Mean, and Peak-to-Peak values over a specified time period.